Cultural Marxism & The Great Replacement

Guest: Steve (Brian Kurvie)

The Labyrinth of Cultural Marxism: A Journey Through Fact and Fiction

Embark on a journey through the maze of conspiracy theories surrounding Cultural Marxism and the Great Replacement. These theories, like the shadows in a cavern, distort the facts and provide sinister explanations for societal changes. Through meticulous examination and the wisdom of our esteemed guest, Steve, we aim to shine a light on the truth.


"Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," hosted by former conspiracy theorists Brent Lee and Neil Sanders, is a podcast dedicated to exploring and debunking conspiracy theories. With a mission to dismantle these theories and educate our listeners, each episode provides a detailed explanation from the perspective of the conspiracy theorists before methodically debunking their claims with added context and fact-checks. In this episode, we delve into the entwined theories of Cultural Marxism and the Great Replacement, unraveling the falsehoods and revealing the factual reality.


Our guest, Steve, better known as Brian Kurvie, rose to fame through his satirical take on conspiracy theories. His viral video on the 5G conspiracy exemplifies his approach—using humor and empathy to address and debunk harmful misinformation. Join us as we navigate this labyrinth of misinformation and emerge with a clearer understanding of the truth.


The Genesis of Cultural Marxism

The term "Cultural Marxism" originates from a critique of the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxist theorists who fled Nazi Germany and relocated to the United States in the 1930s. According to conspiracy theorists, this school of thought aimed to subvert Western values by infiltrating cultural and educational institutions. Allegedly, their goal was to promote ideas that would erode traditional Christian values and weaken societal structures, paving the way for communist ideologies.


The purported evidence of this grand scheme can be linked to various sources, including works by figures like Andrew Breitbart, who claimed that Cultural Marxism aimed to undermine Western civilization. Some proponents point to the Frankfurt School's criticism of capitalism and the culture industry as evidence of their subversive intentions. They argue that the school's embrace of critical theory—an analytical approach aimed at interrogating power structures—was a covert attempt to instigate societal change aligned with Marxist principles.


However, historical context reveals a different story. The Frankfurt School critiqued a wide array of societal systems, including fascism and authoritarianism, and sought to understand the ways power and oppression operated. Rather than seeking to promote a Marxist revolution, they aimed to explore the complexities of modern society and offer insights to improve it. The nuanced reality of their work has been overshadowed by the conspiracy theorists' misinterpretations, leading to the myth of Cultural Marxism as a deliberate cultural subversion.


The Alleged Evidence: Deconstruction and Derrida

Jacques Derrida's concept of deconstruction has been widely misunderstood and misappropriated by conspiracy theorists. Deconstruction, according to Derrida, is a method of analyzing texts to reveal hidden meanings and biases, challenging the structures that enforce societal norms and inequalities. However, figures like Jordan Peterson have misrepresented deconstruction as part of a Marxist agenda to dismantle Western civilization.


Peterson's critique of Derrida equates deconstruction with an attack on objective truths, suggesting it undermines the foundations of Western society. He posits that by questioning established norms and values, deconstruction aligns with Marxist principles of class struggle and societal change. This perspective fuels the claim that Cultural Marxism seeks to erode the very fabric of Western culture, replacing it with a relativistic and fractured society.


Yet, this interpretation overlooks the true intent of deconstruction. Derrida's work sought to highlight the biases and assumptions ingrained in texts and societal structures, urging a more inclusive and equitable understanding of the world. His ideas were far from a Marxist plot; instead, they offered a critical lens to examine and improve societal norms. The mischaracterization of deconstruction as a weapon of Cultural Marxism distorts its philosophical depth and purpose.


The Great Replacement: Echoes of Karl Lueger

The Great Replacement theory, closely tied to the Cultural Marxism narrative, suggests that there is a deliberate effort to replace the white population in Western countries through immigration and multiculturalism. This theory traces its roots back to the rhetoric of Karl Lueger, an anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who used fears of demographic change to gain political power.


Modern proponents of the Great Replacement theory, such as Pat Buchanan and Christopher Rufo, argue that multicultural policies and immigration are tools used to dilute and eventually replace the white population. They claim that these efforts are coordinated by elites and influenced by Cultural Marxism, which they believe aims to weaken Western nations from within. This narrative has fueled xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments, leading to a dangerous escalation of racial tensions.


However, a thorough examination of demographic data and policies reveals no evidence of such a coordinated effort. Immigration policies are typically shaped by economic needs, humanitarian considerations, and international relations, rather than a hidden agenda to replace any racial group. The Great Replacement theory distorts these realities, promoting a baseless fear that undermines social cohesion and fosters division.


Multicultural Societies and Racism

In the narrative constructed by conspiracy theorists, multiculturalism is not merely a societal evolution but a deliberate stratagem to erode white privilege and Western values. They argue that multicultural policies, particularly those promoting immigration, serve to undermine the cultural and societal dominance of white populations, leading to a fragmentation of national identity and social cohesion.


Proponents of this view, such as those in far-right circles, often claim that multiculturalism is a guise for promoting anti-white racism and diminishing the historical achievements of Western civilization. They point to instances of crime or social unrest involving immigrant communities as evidence of the failure of multiculturalism, reinforcing their belief that such policies are detrimental to societal stability.


Yet, these arguments fail to acknowledge the benefits and realities of multicultural societies. Evidence shows that multiculturalism enriches societies, fostering innovation, cultural exchange, and economic growth. Moreover, the assertion that multiculturalism is intended to erode white privilege overlooks the systemic inequalities that these policies aim to address. Rather than diminishing any racial group, multiculturalism seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


Unveiling the Guest: Steve's Journey

Steve, also known as Brian Kurvie, initially garnered attention through his satirical videos on various conspiracy theories. His viral video on the 5G conspiracy theory is a testament to his unique approach—using humor to break down and debunk complex misinformation. Unlike many conspiracy theorists who perpetuate fear and mistrust, Steve's goal has always been to educate and entertain, providing a counter-narrative to the often harmful and misleading information spread by others.


Steve's journey into the world of conspiracy theories began with his fascination with the absurd and outlandish claims found online. He created his satire character, Brian Kurvie, after being inspired by the documentary "Behind the Curve," which humorously yet sincerely explored the world of flat Earth believers. Finding a balance between empathy and skepticism, Steve's content addresses the genuine concerns of individuals while exposing the illogical foundations of their beliefs.


As a guest on "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy," Steve brings his nuanced understanding of conspiracy culture to the discussion. His ability to dissect and dismantle conspiracy theories with both wit and empathy makes him an invaluable voice in the fight against misinformation. Through his work, Steve not only entertains but also empowers his audience to question and critically evaluate the information they encounter.


Unraveling the Myth: Cultural Marxism Debunked

The theory of Cultural Marxism, when subjected to rigorous scrutiny, unravels as a myth built on misconceptions and historical inaccuracies. One central error lies in the assumption that the Frankfurt School was a monolithic entity with a unified agenda to subvert Western values. In reality, the Frankfurt School comprised diverse thinkers who critiqued various political systems, including Marxism, fascism, and capitalism, aiming for a deeper understanding of societal dynamics.


Critical theory, as developed by the Frankfurt School, was not a covert strategy for cultural demolition but a tool for examining the power structures within society. Their critiques of the Enlightenment and modern capitalism sought to reveal how these systems could lead to repressive and dehumanizing outcomes, as seen in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Far from promoting Marxism, the Frankfurt School's work highlighted the dangers of any ideology when taken to extremes.


Moreover, the term "Cultural Marxism" itself was first used pejoratively by Georgi Lukac to criticize the Frankfurt School, indicating a lack of true Marxist ideology within their work. The conspiracy theory that emerged in the early 1990s, popularized by figures like Paul Weyrich and William Lind, relies on a superficial reading of the Frankfurt School's literature, distorting their ideas to fit a preconceived narrative of cultural subversion.


Dissecting the Deception: The Great Replacement Theory Falsified

The Great Replacement theory suffers from similar flaws, rooted in baseless fears and a misinterpretation of demographic trends. The assertion that there is a coordinated effort to replace white populations through immigration and multicultural policies lacks credible evidence. Demographic changes in Western societies are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including economic needs, global conflicts, and international relations, rather than a hidden agenda.


Analyses of immigration policies reveal that they are typically guided by pragmatic considerations. For instance, countries may seek to address labor shortages or fulfill humanitarian obligations by accepting refugees. These decisions are far removed from the conspiracy theorists' narrative of a deliberate strategy to dilute racial homogeneity. The Great Replacement theory weaponizes normal demographic shifts to stoke fear and division, ignoring the broader context that explains these changes.


Furthermore, the notion that multiculturalism and immigration are detrimental to societal stability is debunked by evidence showing the benefits of diversity. Multicultural societies often experience enhanced creativity, cultural exchange, and economic growth. The theory's fixation on racial composition overlooks the positive contributions of immigrants and the resilience of societies that embrace diversity. By fostering inclusivity and equity, multicultural policies strengthen rather than weaken the fabric of society.


The Role of Influencers: Misrepresentations and Consequences

Influential figures such as Jordan Peterson and Andrew Breitbart have played significant roles in perpetuating the myths of Cultural Marxism and the Great Replacement. Peterson's critique of postmodernism and deconstruction, for instance, misrepresents these concepts as threats to Western values. By conflating them with Marxism, he fuels a narrative of cultural erosion that resonates with his audience's fears and frustrations.


Andrew Breitbart, on the other hand, identified Cultural Marxism as an enemy financed by figures like George Soros, portraying it as a puppet master in a Jewish conspiracy. This portrayal taps into long-standing anti-Semitic tropes, giving the conspiracy theory a sinister dimension. Breitbart's influence extends into political discourse, where these ideas are echoed by other right-wing figures, further entrenching the myths in public consciousness.


The consequences of these misrepresentations are profound. They contribute to the polarization of society, undermining trust in institutions and promoting divisive ideologies. The spread of misinformation by influential figures shapes public opinion, making it challenging to foster constructive dialogue and understanding. By debunking these myths and holding influencers accountable, we can work towards a more informed and united society.



As we emerge from the labyrinth of Cultural Marxism and Great Replacement conspiracy theories, the importance of critical thinking and responsible discourse becomes ever more apparent. These theories, while alluring in their simplicity, unravel under the scrutiny of factual analysis and historical context. The role of critical theory, deconstruction, and multiculturalism is far removed from the nefarious designs suggested by conspiracy theorists.


"Some Dare Call It Conspiracy" continues to illuminate the path to understanding, countering misinformation with reason and empathy. Our guest, Steve, exemplifies the power of humor and critical inquiry in challenging harmful narratives. By engaging with and debunking these theories, we not only dispel darkness but also foster a culture of informed skepticism.


In a world increasingly characterized by polarized viewpoints, the mission to educate and inform is more crucial than ever. Let us remain vigilant, questioning the narratives presented to us and seeking the truth beyond the shadows. Together, we can dismantle the falsehoods and build a foundation of knowledge and understanding.



00:00 Despite being wrong, he acted with good intentions.

22:55 Criticism of Soviet and fascist totalitarian systems

36:34 Professors fear student backlash and diverse literature.

01:00:04 Questioning media repetition, discussing Andrew Breitbart's influence and cultural Marxist conspiracy theories.

01:09:42 Book warns of immigration's threat to Western civilization.

01:31:22 Adorno and Horkheimer critique fascism, capitalism, and Soviet Russia as repressive. They argue that pure logic and science becomes inhuman in their "Dialectic of Enlightenment," where myth becomes enlightenment and vice versa. They observe the transformation in Nazi Germany from mythic ideas to cold, rational, mechanized killing based on the pure science of efficiency, exemplified by the Holocaust and Eichmann's principles.

01:35:05 The text discusses the concept of the culture industry producing films they know will be lucrative, the prevalence of authoritarian personalities in society, and the traits associated with fascism. It emphasizes the adherence to conventional values, deference to authority, and hostility toward non-conformity as indicative of an authoritarian personality that may lead to fascist tendencies. It suggests that the presence of certain traits increases the likelihood of a person being fascist.

01:57:09 Listen to for Cambridge Analytica podcast.

02:12:41 Jordan Peterson misunderstands postmodernism, manipulates alt right views for media attention by falsely connecting it to Derrida and the Frankfurt school.

02:32:24 Debate over transgender athletes' advantages and fair competition, including discussion on defining advantages and examples from sports history.

02:38:44 People can be oppressive and manipulative, finding any reason to collect in groups and oppress others to feel powerful. It's a sad reflection of the human condition, like propaganda. It must have some element of truth to persuade, just like poison needs to be hidden in something palatable. This behavior is typical of the cultural Marxism perspective, leading to discrimination based on economic ethnicity or location.

02:53:27 Uncovering source of propaganda vital for program.



Jordan Peterson, postmodernism, Derrida, deconstruction, Marxism, great replacement theory, white privilege, critical race theory, racism, propaganda, capitalism, immigration, Cold War, communism, Rothschild family, Lenin misinterpretation, COINTELPRO, cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, critical theory, multiculturalism, neo-Marxism, political correctness, transgender issues, Saul Alinsky, conspiracy theories, George Soros, Pizzagate, Michael Minicino, identity politics, authoritarian personality, anti-Semitism, Adorno, Cambridge Analytica, Social media misinformation, cancel culture.

Contact Steve "Brian Kurvie"