Trolls Gone Wild

Sassy Microbe:

Cat Von Don't: 

We've all had a run-in or two with conspiracy trolls for challenging disinformation, but what happens when it goes too far? Here are the stories of two women who have endured relentless online stalking, abuse and sexual harassment. Please be aware, these are very tough stories to listen to but incredibly important to hear and amplify.


"Nat" is the infamous Sassy Microbe. In this episode Nat discusses what led to her capturing and compiling thousands of screenshots of abuse and sexual harassment from one individual. This individual has allegedly admitted to using over 60 accounts on X to carry out his persistent harassment and according to the Byline Times has received a police caution over the matter. But terrifyingly, according to Nat this has not stopped him.

Hear her story, in her own words. Thank you for joining us and sharing your story with us Nat.


As if episode one wasn't infuriating enough.. Now we hear Catherine’s story aka @CatVonDont

One of her trolls doxxed her, offered people "prize" money to burgle her house and/or physically attack her, and sent disgustingly lewd messages regarding her daughter's childhood photos.

The only saving grace to this episode is Catherine's stoic commitment to combat online hate. Thank you for joining us and sharing your story, Cat.

Contact Sassy Microbe

Contact Catherine